Last update: | Sat 17:00 PHT | |
Sunrise at | 05:35 | in direction | 75° | East-northeast | |
Sunset at | 18:04 | in direction | 285° | West-northwest | |
Duration of day: 12 hours, 28 minutes (28 seconds shorter than yesterday)
Sun near zenith at 11:49 at altitude 85° above horizon
Civil twilight | begins at | 05:13, | ends at | 18:26 |
Nautical twilight | begins at | 04:48, | ends at | 18:51 |
Astronomical twilight | begins at | 04:22, | ends at | 19:17 |
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See current position of the Sun |
Moon |
Moonset at | 04:51 | in direction | 255° | West-southwest | |
Moonrise at | 17:36 | in direction | 102° | East-southeast | |
Moon in south at 23:38 at altitude 68° above horizon
Fraction illuminated: 99.8% (at 20:45)
Previous phase | First Quarter | Saturday, 6 August 2011, 19:08 |
Next phase | Full Moon | Sunday, 14 August 2011, 02:58 |
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