Nevertheless, there are some points you should definitely mention time for everyone to be prepared for a visit.
Each of the main doctors often their own pharmacy is in the close vicinity of the hospitals. The course, this increased to a prescription drug you need is not to mention it but everyone should be aware of. The doses are given just a little higher and usually cause no harm to a few tablets. This occurs as usual in most of Asia, which is always prescribed antibiotics. Even with scratches immediately ordered large quantities of antibiotics to the pharmacy alone already enough profit yields. This should be one of the reasons that it increases in Asia is resistant to this drug.
Is there some Filipino health insurance, hospital costs (usually only up to a limit of indemnity of 1,000,000 pesos) to cover. Was cleared but everyone should be aware that there are no especially with expensive emergency operations without the cost issue. No money no operations. Filipinos are even known to me of which I've heard that they had carried into it after an operation can be saved but the money for an operation had not. In how far this helps a health insurance I can not say but here is my tip money. In an emergency, possibly via Western Union can send money
Smaller studies are currently on the small islands for nothing or if they cost slightly more than € 1 in the area. I know of the big hospitals but also prices of only 500 pesos for the registration.
There is simply no comparison to the clean sterile hospital in Germany. In operating rooms is ever the ground with blood dripped full or fully bled OP units are still around. Sometimes there are also the same 3-4 patients and their accompanying persons in a room. (Curious onlookers included in minor surgical procedures)
I think it should be no fear in front of the local hospitals. Although the regional hospitals are often not equipped for major surgery but that they do what they do well and with great compassion. Here we have just enough time for each patient and their health care