Entry requirements for German nationals

Entry requirements for German nationals

Travel Documents
Travel Documents
Possible entry / Conditions:
Passport Yes
Temporary passport Yes
Temporary identity card No
Additional comments The passport must be valid for six months over the intended period of stay beyond
Travel Documents
Children / Youth
Children's passport Yes
Passport Yes
Temporary identity card No
Existing entry in the passport of a parent (child entries in passports of parents are no longer possible since 01/11/2007) No
Children still valid identity card of old patterns (the child's identity card since 1 January 2006 will no longer issued) In general, yes. Lately, however, problems occurred with some airlines (especially Gulf Air), who refused to allow children to travel with children old badges with photograph. It is therefore recommended to be accompanied children under 12 years of a new child's passport and for children over 12 years, a European passport.
Additional comments
The travel document must be 6 months beyond the intended length of stay to be valid.
Unaccompanied or accompanied by other persons traveling in children under 16 years need a Travel Permit issued by the Philippine Embassy in Berlin, where the parents confirm that they agree with the journey. Recently, this regulation is enforced tightened. It is provided by law, that may be charged a fee for entry of 3120 pesos and retain the passport of the person concerned to leave the airport is.
Information about these additional questions to the entry requirements you would please inquire directly at the Embassy or the Consulates General of the destination country. Only there you can get a legally binding information.
Current information from the competent authority / "Bureau of Immigration and Deportation" / you on the Internet at http://immigration.gov.ph
For German tourist is granted a royalty-free upon entry visa for 21 days. An extension to a maximum of 59 days is the Bureau of Immigration, Intramuros, Manila or in one of the regional offices (including in Cagayan de Oro, Cebu, Davao, Iloilo, Pampanga, San Fernando, Tacloban) possible. This is a valid return ticket required.
The fee for the first extension is a total of approximately 3,050 - PHP. For further extensions with additional costs for issuing a so-called ACR I-Card to be expected. The Philippine immigration authorities shall act with the departure of foreigners that the validity of the visa has not been exceeded for non-compliance is permitted to leave only after paying a high penalty fees if applicable detention. If you are unable to pay the cost of the penalty, please contact prior to your departure with the Embassy. It can then be obtained to reschedule if you are in possession of a ticket.
To take up work, etc. or a longer stay is sought from the relevant pre-Philippine diplomatic mission visas.
Other notes
At the airport after a local socio-cultural understanding grossly uncivil behavior is punished with denial of entry, a fine or imprisonment.
Entry requirements for German nationals are subject to change without the Foreign Office is informed accordingly in advance.

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